What is Functional Kinesiology?

Rhian practices a technique called Functional Kinesiology also known as Autonomic Response Testing (ART). Dr Klingheart developed this very advanced and accurate method of muscle testing that is essentially likened to a blend of functional medicine and autonomic response testing / kinesiology.

Despite the fact that muscle testing has been used for centuries Dr Klingheart  has taken the art and science of muscle testing to an entirely different functional level. This technique is noninvasive, non-electronic, and can be used to assess people of any age. This method offers an amazingly accurate method of finding the root cause and saving huge amounts of patient time and money. It is a most valuable functional assessment tool in determining the cause of health disturbances.

Rhian use this technique whilst incorporating functional medicine, naturopathy, herbal medicine, photonwave therapy and nutritional therapy into their consultations.

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What is the Autonomic nervous system?

To provide some background the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is the portion of our nervous system that requires no conscious thought and functions automatically throughout the day. Indeed balance of the body is controlled by two portions of the ANS, the first being the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) which is the nervous system that is dominant during times of stress (mental, physical, and chemical).

The second part of the ANS is known as the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) which is dominant during times of relaxation or deep altered states. We need both of them working equally to maintain a suitable tone within the body. The ANS helps to control the beating of our hearts; the rise and fall of blood pressure; the detoxification of the body’s poisons; the digestion, assimilation, and elimination of our foods; the balancing of all our hormones; appropriate  immune system responses; correct blood sugar levels; maximum brain function; and every automatic function of the body’s organs and glands.

ART and Stressors

ART gives us a way of evaluating what stressor(s) are interfering with optimal  function of the ANS. These stressors could come from our external environment such as infectious agents, environmental toxins, or food allergies. They might also arise internally and manifest as glandular/hormonal imbalances, brain/neurotransmitter imbalances and old injuries with broken-down cellular communication. The ANS receives information from our biofields. Our body’s biofield is an accumulation of electromagnetic energies emitted from all of our cells, tissues, organs, and glands.

Why incorporate the use of light?

Part of this treatment incorporates the use of light. To aid understanding please visit our page on light therapy for a more extensive explanation. However in short biophysicists such as Fritz-Albert Popp, Phd, have discovered that the body produces photons of light called biophotons that are stored and released from the nucleus of our body’s 70 trillion cells. Furthermore, these biophotons carry information within and between cells which are essential for their function.

What else happens during a session?

During the session Rhian check all vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, and herbal medicines products as to their suitability to you as an individual. Where time allows they determine the exact therapeutic doses of the herbs and supplements to ensure you take the correct quantity and brand, and test if the body is absorbing evenly throughout the systems of the body. During a consultation Rhian will discuss everything thoroughly throughout the session, and give you guidelines to follow until the follow up appointment.

How long does the session take?

Using ART testing to perform all of the testing mentioned above can actually be accomplished within a very short period of time–usually within 90 minutes . Because there are no two of us exactly alike, the treatment will vary with each individual. ART is also very effective in helping the practitioner to detect the uniqueness in each patient and help to determine the most efficacious treatment plan. Although the diagnosis might be very similar between patients, it is extremely rare that any two individuals receive exactly the same treatment protocols. We are all clinically, genetically, socially, environmentally, and fundamentally unique. Indeed it allows us to participate in the patient’s health conditions on levels that cannot be experienced with any other diagnostic procedures.