What is Nutritional Therapy?

Who would benefit from Nutritional Therapy?

Everyone!  Those with a specific illness or those who want to improve their health will benefit. Nutritional Therapy may reduce or eliminate a wide variety of symptoms and chronic conditions, including:

  • Fatigue
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Headaches
  • Sleep disorders
  • Thyroid disease
  • Digestive disorders
  • Raised Blood Pressure
  • Hyperactivity disorders
  • Muscular aches and pains
  • Hormone related disorders
  • Side effects of medications
  • Depression, learning difficulties
  • Mental fog/inability to think clearly
  • Irritable or inflamed bowel disorders
  • Eating disorders- obesity, bulimia, anorexia nervosa.

What happens at the initial consultation?

Prior to the appointment you will be asked to complete a three day food diary and a questionnaire which will be discussed in detail at the initial consultation. The practitioner will work with you to set attainable and realistic goals, tailored to your biochemical individuality and your unique lifestyle, which will help you break old habits, restore your body’s natural healing potential, and empower you to take control of your health..

Will I need tests?

The status of each patient may be established by medical laboratory tests, such as cellular nutritional status, chemical intolerances, and comprehensive stool analyses, which may dictate nutritional recommendations.

What is the relationship between food and medicine?

Food and medicine have been linked together since the Ancient Greek philosopher, Hippocrates, coined the phrase “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.

A balanced diet has always been promoted for good health, but until recently the extent of its role in disease, and chronic illness in particular, was less understood by the medical profession than the traditional ‘naturopaths’ who used it. They believed, amongst other things, in the healing power of nature, that a wholesome diet together with exercise, herbs and water therapy would enable the body to heal itself, thus treating the person rather than the disease. However, science has progressed significantly, starting with the early work into vitamins, antioxidants and fibre which led to the discovery, examination and finally recognition of the role of these natural substances in disease progression. It is also now acknowledged that everybody responds differently to the same treatment!

Why all this fuss about food now?

During the War the nation’s diet was at its best, eating locally grown or reared food with butter and sugar rationed.  Afterwards, intensive farming methods began which, whilst ensuring that everyone had something to eat, depleted the food of its nutrients and loaded it with chemical additives.  This introduced foreign and unnatural substances to the body.  It is no coincidence that about this time the scientist Dr Theron Randolph, identified abnormal reactions to food and the environment to become the first allergist.

The 1970’s, a time of plenty, saw the growth of the fast food and fizzy drink culture where occasional treats became daily habits as people struggled to develop a self control they had never needed before. The complex interplay between poor quality foods and the body’s natural biochemistry leads to inflammatory and other diseases which are so common in the nation’s health today.