Australian Bush Flower Creative Essence (Drops) – 30ml


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Creative Essence Drops

Inspires creative and emotional expression and give courage and clarity in public speaking and singing.

  • Find creative solutions in all of life’s pursuits
  • Release creative blocks
  • Open up to creative and emotional expression

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Emotional Condition

  • Creative blocks and inhibitions
  • Difficulty expressing feelings
Positive Outcome

  • Enhances singing
  • Creative expression
  • Public speaking
Inspires creative and emotional expression and gives courage and clarity in public speaking and singing. This Essence frees the voice. It also helps to clear creative blocks and to find creative solutions in all of life’s pursuits.
Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue, morning and night.
Contains the following Bush Flower Essences:

>Bush FuchsiaCroweaFive CornersFlannel FlowerRed GrevilleaTall Mulla Mulla, Turkey Bush.

  • High quality vegan ingredients.
  • Ethically sourced.
  • Cruelty free, not tested on animals.
  • No GMOs.
  • Australian-Made.
  • Safe for the whole family.


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