I wanted to send a quick note to let you know how the PhotonWave has changed my life.

For over a year I was miserable as I suffered from horrendous cramps and heavy menstrual cycles that were lasting anywhere from 2-3 weeks.  At one point I was taking almost 1000mg a day of ibuprofen just to get through my work day, and I am someone who does not take medications, so you can imagine how desperate I was.  I did the PhotonWave detox protocol and I had an intense release during my next cycle.  Since then, I have not had any cramping at all during my cycles.

I still had the heavy periods though and in December, it was so bad, it lasted 30 days.  I was concerned enough that I went to my GYN and had a thorough checkup, with the final diagnosis being “there’s nothing wrong – you are likely going into menopause”.  Several days later, she called me with the results of my blood tests.   My hemoglobin level was abnormally low at a 4, and she told me that legally she had to tell me to go to the nearest hospital for a blood transfusion.  Obviously since I wasn’t in her office she couldn’t force me to go, so she told me that I needed to take high doses of iron daily and be extremely careful as I could lose consciousness at anytime.

I did start taking the iron supplements, but they made me extremely constipated.   I decided to use the PhotonWave to infuse myself with the iron instead.  I infused twice the dosage that I would have taken orally, and now 2 months later, I am able to walk almost 3 miles easily.  Before the infusions, I could barely walk up the 12 steps into my house without getting out of breath.

I am so excited about the power of the PhotonWave and its healing potential.  I feel blessed to have been introduced to this amazing technology!

“I love visiting the Botanical Boutique for my appointments with Rhian. I always feel so warmly welcomed and absolutely love the pharmacy with it’s huge jars of herbal mixtures, variety of vitamins and minerals, as well as other delightful treasures.

“Rhian was recommended to me following an extended period of being unwell and it was with Rhian that the healing process began. She has so much wisdom and so many skills, and has supported me in regaining health, wellbeing and equilibrium ……”

I have done a course of Light Therapy treatments with Botanical Boutique and I felt compelled to write about my experiences.
I had potential issues bubbling under the surface around my lungs area and this had been put on my radar a few times by various practitioners. However it was not until I connected with Rhian Jones from Botanical Boutique Uk that I fully understood the implications of leaving this situation unaddressed. In her  expert hands, I underwent sessions with Light Therapy, together with some extra suggestions that she made.

My body was very receptive to the treatment and within a very short period of time my chest area began to clear. I was totally blown away by this amazing procedure and cannot recommend it enough. The Light Therapy can address a variety of ailments and Rhian is definitely an expert in her field.

Thank you Rhian and Botanical Boutique Uk for bringing this innovative procedure to the market place.
                                                                        Susan Reddy, Dublin, Ireland.